A Kaleidoscope of Creativity | ADJ Volume 7 | E-Journal
Advancement Development Journal | Why does a writer write? Why does a painter paint? And if the painter has children to mother, how does she do it? This issue sheds light on several facets of creativity: the writer’s inner imperative, women who are painters and mothers, sources of creativity shared by the scientist and the mystic and the social contexts favoring lives of outstanding achievement.
Advancement Development Journal | Why does a writer write? Why does a painter paint? And if the painter has children to mother, how does she do it? This issue sheds light on several facets of creativity: the writer’s inner imperative, women who are painters and mothers, sources of creativity shared by the scientist and the mystic and the social contexts favoring lives of outstanding achievement.
Advancement Development Journal | Why does a writer write? Why does a painter paint? And if the painter has children to mother, how does she do it? This issue sheds light on several facets of creativity: the writer’s inner imperative, women who are painters and mothers, sources of creativity shared by the scientist and the mystic and the social contexts favoring lives of outstanding achievement.