advanced development journal

And announcing a new section for publication; Uncommon Grounds

When you have something to share, but it just doesn’t fit into an academic category. We’re seeking shorter pieces (under 1500 words) that draw on the author's personal knowledge and experience, giving readers a stimulating new perspective or tool.

We are looking for new manuscripts for volume 20!

By October 15, 2024 for first consideration

Manuscripts are welcome at any time and will be considered as they are received for publication in the next volume. Those received by October 15, 2024, will receive first consideration for Vol. 20.

In Volume 19, with Guest Editor, Michele Kane, authors, poets, and artists address the theme, “The Journey toward Transcendence.” Each author provides insight into the meaning of personality growth through transcendence. Examples of the process include self-transcendence, self-acceptance, authenticity, spirituality, introspection, and moral development. The artwork, Transcend, was painted by Kent Talmage-Bowers especially for this volume of the journal, and Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization by Scott Barry Kaufman was reviewed by Thomas Brennan. Readers will also enjoy the collection of poems, art by Pamela McKinnie, and book reviews on topics related to gifted elders, emotional sensitivity and intensity, personality development through positive disintegration, and how to find a deeper relationship with all life.

We are delighted to announce that Volume 19 of Advanced Development Journal, is now available!

the first and only professional journal to address the unique issues of gifted adults, published by ISAD since 1989

advanced moral and emotional development

the study of giftedness across a lifetime

undeveloped potential, especially in women and under-represented populations

ADJ Team

Nancy Miller, Ph.D.

Michael Piechowski, Ph.d.
Associate Editor

Kathee jones, BFA, MA
Assistant Editor

linda K. Silverman, Ph.D.

Bruce Allen, mA
Poetry Editor

Michele Kane, Ed.d.
Guest Editor

Willem Kuipers, ms
Guest Editor