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Victor Taube

Board Member - isad

Victor Taube, Ph.D., CPA graduated from Ohio State University in 1958 with a B.S. degree in Business with a major in Accounting.  In 2005, an honorary Doctorate of Philosophy was conferred upon him by Stafford University.  After graduating from Ohio State University, he taught various accounting and tax courses in the Los Angeles area college system and then started an accounting practice which has spread nation-wide during his residencies in Los Angeles, CA, Raleigh, NC and Phoenix, AZ.  Currently, he files taxes for clients in 39 states and has clients in two foreign countries.  His practice includes assisting business clients with accounting issues and individuals and companies with tax issues.  He has been the outside independent accountant for ISAD for the past two years after giving gratis accounting advice for several years to the organization.  Victor has recently been named treasurer of the Board of Directors of ISAD.