Finding Your Balance Between Verbal and Imaginal Thinking Across the Lifespan


Salon Series, Event 2:

Finding Your Balance Between Verbal and Imaginal Thinking Across the Lifespan

DATE: Thursday, May 27, 2021

TIME: 1:00-2:30pm United States, MDT

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WHO: Willem Kuipers

WHERE: The Netherlands

Due to their intensity, complexity, and drive, the inner changes of the gifted and extra intelligent can be relatively large across the lifespan. The balance between "following the head or the heart" changes accordingly, as their abundant sensorial input and their rational minds provide rich and possibly conflicting inner experiences. This presentation expands on the characteristic differences between rational and experiential thinking, and their similarities to verbal versus imaginal thinking. Visualizing everyone's personal balance between the two through a scattergram can make differences and patterns in "gifted families" open to discussion and can offer new perspectives for career choices.


About Willem Kuipers

Willem Kuipers, MSc, graduated from Delft University of Technology with a degree in mathematical engineering, became a management consultant, and has been a career coach, counsellor, explorer and writer for uncommonly intelligent and intense adults since the beginning of this century. He runs his own practice in Voorburg, the Netherlands. His current focus is on the inner experience of giftedness. Additionally, he likes to sing in a choir, duo or solo, and is fascinated by labyrinths, meditative paths based on ancient patterns.

Find out more here.