crystal punch
Board Member - isad
I have always been curious about the human brain, and how cultures and demographics influence the mind. In my early teaching career, I sought out schools that taught to the whole child. From 1991-2003, I was a secondary math/science teacher in Guam, Denver, San Diego and the Renaissance School-Expeditionary Learning Program in Parker, Colorado. During my years as a science teacher, in my search to understand my students, particularly some of the brightest students were struggling, I came across Ron Davis’ The Gift of Dyslexia, and discovered that I, too, am dyslexic! I left teaching and became licensed as a Davis Dyslexia Facilitator. Betty Maxwell and I were both interested in giving other teachers the tools to truly understand the visual learner in the classroom. For six years, we met and had deep discussions about the amazing abilities of visual-spatial students often unnoticed in the classroom, culminating in our book, Picture it! Teaching Visual-Spatial Learners. I founded Alternative Learning Solutions in 2000, where I facilitate Davis Dyslexia programs and visual-spatial learning skills for all ages. As a visual-spatial learning coach, I enjoy mentoring students and schools in organization, time management, sequence, focus, and study skills using their visual strengths. I provide workshops and presentations to parents and teachers.